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Lampu Tidur LED Akrilik
• FREE DESIGN TEMPLATE = Silahkan pilih dari template desain yang kami sediakan
• BISA CUSTOM TEKS/TULISAN = Hubungi admin kami melalui chat untuk custom tulisan dari template yang tersedia
• BISA CUSTOM DESIGN ANDA = Silahkan konsultasikan design anda melalui chat kami
1. Material Foto yaitu Akrilik Bening 3 mm
2. Material Alas yaitu Kayu Belanda + LED Strip
3. Warna Lampu LED Putih
4. Metode Cetak Grafir
5. Finishing Laser
6. Include Steker Adapter untuk Menyalakan Lampu
7. Ukuran Kayu: 13,5 x 4 x 13,5 (Panjang x Lebar x Tinggi)
Spesifikasi Custom:
1. Area Print Akrilik: 15 x 20 cm
2. Untuk Custom Kirim Format JPG atau PDF
1. Pesanan masuk sebelum pukul 15.00, akan di proses di hari yang sama saat order masuk, dan di kirimkan di hari berikutnya
2. Pesanan masuk setelah pukul 15.00, akan di proses di hari berikutnya & di kirimkan 1 hari setelah proses orderan selesai
Contact us
Twin Digital is an Indonesian company specializing in the field of digital printing. We provide top-notch digital printing services and products to cater to both personal and corporate business needs. Our commitment at Twindigital.id is to consistently strive for customer satisfaction, which encompasses launching innovative products, offering swift services to all client, conducting regular quality checks, and delivering exceptional after-sales support.
Maintaining a high level of consistency and integrity propels Twin Digital forward, enabling us to say in sync with evolving trends and meet customer contentment. In our pursuit of delivering satisfactory services, Twindigital.id prioritizes efficient and dependable workflow processes. With a team of dedicated professionals, we have estabilished Twindigital.id as a reputable digital printing company, earning the trust of our valued customers.
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